Program Information:
Lead Abatement Program Flyer (English & Chinese)
Lead Abatement Program Guidelines (English)
Lead Abatement Program Policies & Procedures (English)
Housing Rehabilitation Program Guidelines (English)
South Shore HOME Consortium Program Guidelines (English)
Lead Based Paint Hazards Information:
Quincy Childhood Lead Screening Progress Report -2019
Quincy Childhood Lead Screening Progress Report -2017
Healthy Home Information:
Healthy Home Principles (English)
Property owner(s) may claim up to $1,500 tax credit per unit for achieving full compliance with lead law
Community Development Week April, 2021 - Promotional Feature
Quincy Access TV: featuring Jane talking about Quincy’s Lead Abatement Program
Documentary: Lead Poisoning…The Perfect Predator
This documentary brings together rarely-solicited perspectives on one of America's most persistent public health issues from those who are intimately involved and affected time and time again - parents, teachers, home inspectors, landlords, health care professionals, legal advisors, local officials, and the victims themselves.